Spring residents can now schedule a smoke alarm checkup with a Spring Fire Department firefighter
on the department's website, a department spokesperson said last week.
“If their home’s smoke alarm is no longer functioning or even missing, the Spring Fire Department is coordinating with community partners to replace it with a donated smoke detector at no cost to the resident,” SFD Assistant Fire Chief Robert Logan said in a press release.
The free program is possible through partnerships and donations from the Insurance Council of Texas and other organizations, Logan said.
According to the Insurance Council of Texas, more than two dozen Texas cities will receive smoke alarms through its program "We’re Out to Alarm Texas."
“Too many lives have been lost in homes where there are no working smoke detectors—this partnership [is] dedicated to changing that,” Logan said. “For all our community has been through recovering from Harvey, we hope this program provides some peace of mind for those we serve.”
The department has also created a video about the program. Watch the video