3. Gosling Road widening segments 2 and 3
The project will widen the road from two to four lanes from West Mossy Oaks to West Rayford roads and from West Rayford Road to an area south of Spring Creek. Both segments are in the design phase. Harris County will seek bids for Segment 2 in the second quarter of 2017, and Segment 3 will be up for bid in the third quarter of 2017.
Timeline: TBD Cost: $14.3 million Funding sources: Harris County
4. Hufsmith-Kohrville Road signal improvements
The design phase of proposed traffic signal and intersection improvements at Holderrieth Road is complete, and the county planned to advertise for bids on April 18.
Timeline: TBD Cost: $670,000 Funding sources: Harris County

5. Hufsmith-Kohrville Road widening segment 6
The project to widen the road from two to four lanes from Willow Creek Estates Lane to FM 2920 and install traffic signals or modifications to existing signals is in the final design phase. The county will seek bids for the project in the second quarter of 2017.
Timeline: TBD Cost: $15.7 million Funding sources: Harris County
6. Kuykendahl Road signal improvements
Construction of a traffic signal at Spring Rain Drive/Cypress Hill Drive began Jan. 23 with a construction contract of 49 days. Construction is on hold while CenterPoint Energy power lines are relocated and the new estimated completion date is the second quarter of 2017.
Timeline: January-summer Cost: $256,189 Funding sources: Harris County
7. Stuebner Airline Road signal improvements
The design of a proposed traffic signal at Fernglade Drive is near completion. An on-call contractor is scheduled to begin construction at the end of the second quarter of 2017.
Timeline: begins summer 2017 Cost: $224,000 Funding sources: Harris County
8. Gosling Road bridge project
Similar to the Kuykendahl Road bridge project, a dual bridge will likewise be built on Gosling Road over Spring Creek as part of a future joint participation effort between Harris County Precinct 4, Montgomery County Precinct 3 and the Texas Department of Transportation. Discussions between both counties about project initiation are still in progress, and a construction timeline has yet to be established, said Pamela Rocchi, director of Harris County Precinct 4’s Capital Improvements Projects Division.
Timeline: TBD Cost: $7 million Funding sources: Harris County, Montgomery County, TxDOT

How it works
How does TxDOT prioritize construction?
Although the Texas Department of Transportation funds construction for highways and other major roads in the state right of way, metropolitan planning authorities prioritize project construction.
Texas has 25 metropolitan planning organizations, or MPOs, that create transportation policy, forecast mobility needs, administer regional planning, and approve state and federal funding for area projects. MPOs include the Houston-Galveston Area Council, the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the Capitol Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.
MPOs score project proposals on safety, mobility, environmental quality, economic development, and asset management and operations.
Then the MPO determines the funding and shovel-readiness of a project. If no funding is available and the project is far from being construction-ready, then it is shelved and could be revisited.
Once a project is approved by the MPO, then projects are added to the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program or TxDOT’s 10-year Unified Transportation Program.