Transportation Updates Transportation Updates Transportation Updates This project will upgrade the road to five concrete lanes with drainage between an area west of West Hardy Road and the Hardy Toll Road.[/caption]

3. Riley Fuzzel Road widening

This project will upgrade the road to five concrete lanes with drainage between an area west of West Hardy Road and the Hardy Toll Road. The project is in the final design phase. Harris County will seek bids in June 2017.

Timeline: TBD Cost: $2.8 million Funding sources: Harris County

4. Gosling Road widening segments 2 and 3

The project will widen the road from two to four lanes from West Mossy Oaks Road to West Rayford Road and from West Rayford Road and Creekside Forest. Both segments are in the design phase. Harris County will seek bids for Segment 2 in the second quarter of 2017, and Segment 3 will be up for bid in the third quarter of 2017.

Timeline: TBD Cost: $14.4 million Funding sources: Harris County

5. Cutten Road signal improvements

Harris County is planning improvements to the traffic signal system at Cutten Road and Vintage Preserve Parkway. Project development began in August 2016, and the project to install a traffic signal  is in the design phase. Construction will begin in the second quarter of 2017.

Timeline: Second quarter 2017-TBD Cost: $180,000 Funding sources: Harris County

Transportation Updates In Texas, 33 existing toll roads and 15 toll roads under construction are operated by state, regional or county authorities, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.[/caption]

How it works

Electronic toll tag systems in Texas work interchangeably

In Texas, 33 existing toll roads and 15 toll roads under construction are operated by state, regional or county authorities, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

The Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and Austin areas use one of three electronic toll-collection systems available in Texas—TxTag, TollTag or EZ Tag.

Despite the different collection systems, a toll tag for any one of the three entities works interchangeably for the other two systems.

For example, a Dallas-area resident with a TollTag will be charged on his or her TollTag account when driving in the Austin or Houston areas on a TxTag or EZ Tag toll road.

Payments are automatically deducted from a user’s account each time a driver passes under a toll gantry as long as the driver has a toll tag. Drivers without a toll tag will be billed separately by each tolling authority.