In mid-July, Playhouse 1960 announced the performance lineup for its upcoming 2022-23 season, which will be the theater’s 50th season of shows. Located at 6814 Gant Road, Houston, the theater will host performances, such as “Nunsense,” “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” and “The Importance of Being Earnest” beginning in early September. Tickets will go on sale Aug. 10.

“It is wonderful to be a part of a community theater that has stayed together for 50 years,” Playhouse 1960 Board President Sammy Green said. “We celebrate all those who are a part of our past and our future.”

Playhouse 1960 is a community theater run by a six-member board and at least 15-20 volunteers per production. The theater depends on ticket sales and donations to keep its doors open. 281-587-8243.