Located in Springwoods Village, Harper Woods is a 16-acre Southern coastal community by Sullivan Brothers Builders that broke ground in 2014. Still under construction, the neighborhood includes single-family homes as well as townhome sites. Build-out year: 2014+ Builders: Sullivan Brothers Builders Median square footage: 2,204 Median appraised home value: $257,389 HOA dues (estimated annually): $1,580 Amenities: access to Spring Creek Greenway, Springwoods Village Nature Preserve, Spring Grove Park and CityPlace Park Property taxes (in dollars): Lone Star College System - 0.11 Harris County - 0.42 Harris County Dept. of Education - 0.01 Harris County ESD No. 7 - 0.10 Harris County ESD No. 11 - 0.04 Harris County Flood Control District - 0.03 Harris County Hospital District - 0.17 Spring ISD - 1.51 Port of Houston Authority - 0.01 Total (per $100 valuation) - 2.40 Does not include improvement district rates as they vary by location