Located off FM 1960 within close proximity of I-45, Ponderosa Forest features 1,318 single-family properties and falls within the attendance boundary for Spring ISD.
Build-out year: 1972
Median square footage: 2,820
Median appraised home value: $173,983
HOA dues (estimated): $435-$700 annually
Amenities: neighborhood park with playground equipment, hike and bike trails, community groups, access to the Cypress Creek Greenway
Property taxes (in dollars):
Lone Star College System: 0.11
Harris County: 0.42
Harris County Dept. of Education: 0.01
Harris County Flood Control District: 0.03
Harris Health System: 0.17
Spring ISD: 1.51
Port of Houston Authority: 0.01
Total (per $100 valuation):
*Tax rate does not include utility districts or emergency services districts, as they vary by home.