The Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce board of directors has waded into the ongoing conflict between Harris County Emergency Services District No. 11 and Cypress Creek Emergency Medical Services, releasing a Nov. 5 statement pushing for “an expeditious and amicable resolution to their differences.”

“The Chamber is not interested in assigning blame or choosing sides on this matter,” President and CEO Bobby Lieb said in the statement. “We are just interested in ensuring the services the community has received for four and a half decades is not negatively impacted over internal contract and legal disputes.”

The district and CCEMS have been in ongoing disagreements that culminated in an official Sept. 3 vote to end their contract in one year.

The statement from the chamber said it had provided both entities with a resolution to settle their differences and provide a plan for the continuation of care.

“Over 650,000 residents, including 20,000 businesses, depend on these services,” said Tom Petrick, the chair of the chamber’s board of directors. “Our community benefits from the presence of state-of-the-art hospitals, which also benefit from the emergency medical services. The entire system adds to the wonderful quality of life we experience here in Northwest Harris County,”

The district previously contracted with Harris County Emergency Services to provide supplemental services to the district should CCEMS cease providing services.

On Nov. 2, CCEMS published a website detailing the claims the district has made against the EMS provider.