Harris County Precinct 3 will undergo improvements to its parks and trails as part of a master plan that will impact an area where more than 1 million people reside within the county’s largest park system. In a news release, Commissioner Tom Ramsey announced the Precinct 3 Parks and Trails Master Plan that aims to improve, connect and grow the area’s parks and trails network.

The comprehensive set of recommendations were developed for:

  • 69 existing parks
  • Four new parks
  • 225 miles of new trails

“We needed a plan to connect residents with our amazing green spaces,” Ramsey said. “Our population is expected to double by 2045, which means engineered solutions for green activity spaces are a must for our future generations. Thank you to the residents who took time to provide us feedback. They know their parks and trails better than anyone, so we’re confident in the information incorporated into the plan.”

The details

Harris County Precinct 3 has nearly 70 existing parks, which total more than 8,600 acres of land. Extensive acreage within the Cypress and Spring Creek greenways amounts to over 40% of the total acreage.

As part of the master plan, Precinct 3 officials completed an outreach phase to assess the needs and desires of the community, which included a total of six meetings and an online survey. The majority of respondents lived near the existing Cypress and Spring Creek Greenways, which also has the highest concentration of parks and greenways, according to plan documents.

Community feedback included:

  • How greenways may connect to parks
  • Requests for additional park athletic fields
  • Increased trails for pedestrians and bicyclists
New neighborhood developments are underway in the Spring area located next to parts of the greenway. A major goal of the parks and trails master plan included creating a distinct Precinct 3 park experience that accounts for population growth. (Melissa Enaje/Community Impact)
New neighborhood developments are underway in the Spring area located next to parts of the greenway. A major goal of the parks and trails master plan included creating a distinct Precinct 3 park experience that accounts for population growth. (Melissa Enaje/Community Impact)

Zooming in

Population growth was one major consideration of the plan, according to the news release. Other ideas included establishing programming in underdeveloped portions of parks and highlighting natural features and greenway corridors. Precinct 3 leaders also plan to establish:

  • Linear park systems among major creeks and bayous
  • A seamless trail network that incorporates stormwater infrastructure and connects neighborhoods and schools

What you should know

The parks and trails master plan assesses both current and future needs for the area’s parks and trails network. The analysis will inform the recommendations process that has a baseline framework for the next 30 years, according to plan documents.

A couple projects are currently underway, including:

  • Adding pickleball and basketball courts to various parks
  • Adding playgrounds to various parks
  • Installing or replacing restrooms
  • Building a Veterans War Memorial at Collins Park
  • Studying Spring Creek Greenway connections
  • Making parking lot improvements at various locations
  • Improving drainage in parks, such as Meyer Dog Park

More information can be found on various sections of the plan at this website: Precinct 3 Parks and Trails Master Plan.