Early voting for the May 7 election that will determine a pair of Harris County Emergency Services District No. 16 commissioner seats began April 25.

ESD 16 is a taxing district that contracts with the Klein Volunteer Fire Department to provide fire suppression and rescue services throughout its roughly 49-square-mile service area. ESD 16 is governed by a five-member board of commissioners, each of whom are elected to four-year terms.

The election will decide two at-large positions on the ESD 16 board held by commissioners Lance Wilson and Rich Jones, both of whom are seeking re-election.

In the order they will appear on the ballot, candidates for ESD 16's May 7 election include Daniel Erickson, Michael Gosselin, Lance Wilson, Rich Jones, Evan Schroeder, Jaime Lynn Serghini and Anna M. Vollenweider. The two candidates who receive the most votes will be elected to the two at-large positions.

Because ESD 16 commissioners opted out of running a joint election with Harris County, the polling places available to residents during early voting and on election day will differ from Harris County's polling sites.

Voters can cast a ballot during early voting and on election day at the Klein Volunteer Fire Department Training Center Complex, located at 9755 Landry Blvd., Houston. The polling site will be open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 25-29 and May 2-3; from 9 a.m.-noon on April 30; and from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on May 7.

For more information about the upcoming ESD 16 election, click here.