Spring ISD administrators and staff have been chipping away at recommendations from a 2021 study to make the district operate more equitably, according to a Jan. 16 update.

In a nutshell

In May 2021, the results of a study conducted by education consultants Cambridge Education were shared with SISD’s board, as previously reported by Community Impact. The report examined both progress and areas in need of improvement throughout SISD in the pursuit of equity.

On Jan. 16, district leaders gave an annual update on steps taken to improve equity from January 2021 through December 2024. According to Jan. 16 presentation materials, the most recent milestones include:
  • 66% of employees assigned a cultural competence professional learning course have completed it.
  • 39% of employees have been trained in a cultural humility course compared to 4% in the 2023-24 school year.
  • 3% of employees have been trained in a cultural equity course launched in June.
  • SISD’s board received an update on equity through the lens of social emotional learning and student discipline in March.
“Looking at what we do, evaluating it critically, self-reflecting on it, and then doing something different is really good to see, especially as it relates to the work with equity,” trustee Winford Adams Jr. said.

The background

Cambridge Education’s 2021 study produced recommendations for SISD to improve equity within the district. According to SISD’s Jan. 16 presentation, the 10 key areas leaders have been targeting for improvement include:
  • Lacking equity-related staff training and learning opportunities
  • Limited social-emotional and culturally engaging student curriculum
  • Needed review of the special education recommendation process and student discipline through equity lens
  • Giving counselors the opportunity to focus on students’ nonacademic needs
Diving deeper

On Jan. 16, Pearl Ivory, SISD director of organizational culture, updated the board on progress the district has made on the Cambridge Education study’s recommendations.

“Every department within the organization is working very hard to align the work that they are doing with each ... recommendation to ensure that we are leading with integrity for equity across our organization,” Ivory said.

SISD's efforts to adjust in accordance with the study's recommendations include:
  • Social emotional learning activities are now a part of curriculum and professional development courses; staff positions were also added to aid student literacy.
  • The Department of Guidance and Counseling and Mental Health offers support for teachers implementing social emotional learning curriculum.
  • Monthly meetings between at-risk counselors and guidance counselors and SISD’s Guidance and Counseling & Mental Health Department give students individualized support.
  • Trainings are given to employees on student discipline and de-escalation practices.
  • Coaching is offered for staff supporting Emergent Bilingual students.
Hannah Brol contributed to this report.