On Jan. 12, Spring ISD trustees approved a calendar for the 2022-23 school year, which includes a student start date of Aug. 16.

Two calendar options, A and B, were first presented to trustees at their monthly workshop Jan. 6. Community members, parents, teachers and students were given the chance to vote on which calendar they preferred before the options were presented to the board.

By 10 votes, option A was preferred by voters, said Julie Hill, who serves as SISD’s chief of human resources and human capital accountability.

“We'd recommend option A,” Hill said. “And the reason for that is the additional teacher prep days the teachers seem to like. It gives them more opportunity to prepare for our students, which is really what's important to us.”

Taking the district’s recommendation, trustees approved calendar option A in a 4-1 vote with board Secretary Kelly Hodges voting against, board President Justine Durant abstaining and trustee Natasha McDaniel absent.

Both calendar options include 174 days of instruction with 440 instructional minutes per day. Option B’s student start date would have been Aug. 15, but Option A’s student start date gives teachers an additional preparation day. Both calendars pegged June 1, 2023, as the final day of school.

To view the approved calendar, click here.