Students participating in summer activities such as sports or marching band will be expected to wear masks during off-season training this year in addition to other updated guidelines released by the University Interscholastic League on July 8.

According to the organization's website, these guidelines are subject to change following state orders and coronavirus developments.

"UIL will continue to work with state officials and monitor [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and other federal guidance to determine any potential modifications," read a UIL statement on the organization's website.

Strength and conditioning workouts and sport-specific instruction: Effective immediately until either the first day of school or in-season activities, students in grades 7-12 may participate in summer strength and conditioning training Monday through Friday for no more than two hours per day.

Those participating in sport-specific instructional training in addition to strength and conditioning are limited to attending a maximum of 90 minutes of skill instruction with 60 minutes in any given sport, per day.
During strength and conditioning training sessions, coaches may not teach specific sports skills, and the use of sports-specific contact equipment, such as balls, dummies or sleds, is prohibited.

Facial coverings are required to be worn when not actively exercising, and a social distance of 6 feet between people must be maintained; however, sports-related safety precautions, such as spotting, are exceptions.

Students will have access to locker rooms and shower facilities starting July 13, and while schools can provide workout shirts and shorts to students, apparel and towels may not be shared between students or laundered using campus facilities.

More detailed information on strength and conditioning sessions and sport-specific instruction can be found here.

Marching band practices: Effective immediately until Aug. 1, students participating in marching band rehearsals will also be expected to maintain at least 10 feet of social distance between people when rehearsing. When not practicing, a social distance of at least 6 feet must be observed, and facial coverings must be worn when practical to do so.

Schools are recommended to keep students within a single group to reduce contact with other participants and staff and minimize the number of people who must isolate in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19.

More detailed information on marching band rehearsal guidelines can be found here.

Indoor activities: Indoor activities must operate at a maximum of 50% capacity and should allow at least 10 feet of distance between persons in all directions. Any equipment used, such as workout equipment or musical instruments, should also be thoroughly disinfected before and after each use.

Recommended protocol for an active case of COVID-19: The UIL recommends any individual who is confirmed, exposed or suspected to have COVID-19 stay home and not return to school until:

  • at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared;
  • symptoms have improved; and
  • at least 72 hours have passed since full recovery.
COVID-19 symptoms include:
  • loss of taste or smell
  • cough
  • difficulty breathing
  • shortness of breath
  • headache
  • chills
  • sore throat
  • shaking or exaggerated shivering
  • significant muscle pain or ache
  • diarrhea