Ask the editor: Have the FM 1960 medians reduced crashes?In 2010, Texas Department of Transportation began to construct concrete medians along FM 1960 between Hwy. 249 and I-45 to reduce the number of accidents on that road.

According to statistics from TxDOT, a total of 426 crashes were recorded along that route in 2010. The following year, after medians were put in place, that number was 364, suggesting that perhaps the medians may have started to serve their purpose.

The area has grown since 2010, however, with 40,000 new residents in Harris County Precinct 4 every year. Daily traffic on FM 1960 increased from 40,000 to 57,000 vehicles from 1999 to 2015, according to TxDOT. In 2014, TxDOT recorded 635 crashes along FM 1960. The number of crashes has remained steady ever since, despite population growth, and the number of fatal crashes has remained at one or two each year.

As of April, 174 crashes were reported in that corridor. Whether the total number this year will exceed 635 remains to be seen.