City Place unveiled its second temporary art installation, “Invisible Music,” on July 20. The free art exhibition can be experienced daily from 7 a.m.-10 p.m. through Sept. 15.

The big picture

Created by Steve Parker, an Austin-based musician and artist, “Invisible Music” is inspired by the nature of City Place Park, according to a May 29 news release. The exhibit features repurposed brass instruments and musical sculptures that resonate with the site's natural sounds. Additionally, visitors can activate parts of the installation, altering the soundscape’s overall musical composition.

What they’re saying

“The instruments are acting as resonators. Sound and air are moving through the pieces inviting people to engage in a new form of listening,” Parker said in a statement.

Diving in deeper

According to the release, the installation promotes environmental preservation through audience interaction. When participants interact with the piece, they create sounds that depict “the intersection of the natural and the human-made world.”

“Invisible Music” takes inspiration from a variety of references including Dr. Seuss illustrations, the retro visuals of Memphis Design and the musical signatures of the Vaporwave genre. Additionally, the sculptures create a soundscape adapted from “Furniture Music” by French composer Eric Satie.

Stay tuned

Parker’s exhibition is the second of three, temporary immersive installations scheduled for City Place in 2024. The first installation, "Periwinkle," was unveiled on March 9 and ran through June.