Update 10:32 p.m.

The unofficial election returns are in for mayor of the city of Richmond. Incumbent Evalyn Moore retained her office with 474 votes, putting her at 69.6 percent of the votes, with 100 percent of precincts reporting.


“I think it was a victory for all of our community and all of our neighborhoods. This is a victory for Richmond, not for me,” said Moore. “I am very grateful for the support of the residents here. I believe I was elected three years ago because people were confident in the policies that my husband had enacted, and they wanted to see me continue them.”

Challenger Tres Davis received 207, or 30.4 percent, of the votes.

“The voters like the way she runs the city, they can have it,” Davis said.

All results are unofficial until canvassed.

Update 8:06 p.m.

Evalyn Moore takes early lead in Richmond mayoral race

Incumbent Evalyn Moore received 352 votes during early voting, which put her at 75.54 percent of early voter returns for the position of mayor against challenger Tres Davis. Davis received 114 votes, putting him at 24.46 percent of the votes.

All results are unofficial until canvassed.

Posted 7:49p.m.

The office of mayor for Richmond city was in the hands of voters today.

Incumbent Evalyn Moore and Tres Davis are competing for the position of mayor for the city of Richmond.

 Davis has been a resident of Richmond for 11 years and holds a master’s degree in Education Administration and was a special education teacher with Lamar Consolidated ISD for seven years.

He said his top priorities are economic growth, government transparency and accountability and accessibility

Moore became Richmond’s first female mayor when she was appointed to serve out the remaining 18 months of late husband Hilmar Moore's term in 2012. Moore was again elected to the office in 2014.

She said her top priorities are to continue to lower taxes, revitalize the city’s downtown economy and to protect and enhance the city’s neighborhoods.