The backstory
On Oct. 23, Pearland City Council approved the Pearland Economic Development Corporation’s use of $333,800 with TBG Partners for landscape architecture services along Broadway, also known as FM 518, from Hwy. 288 to Old Chocolate Bayou Road.
TxDOT’s $142 million roadway project for Broadway includes road widening to six lanes, drainage, lighting, traffic signals and acquiring an additional 30 feet of right of way.
Because the widening project will impact private sidewalks and landscape buffers adjacent to Broadway, PEDC officials put together a plan to mitigate the construction’s impact on the nearby landscape while preserving and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the area by installing new trees, shrubbery and landscaping, according to agenda documents.
The potential tree loss from Hwy. 288 to Old Chocolate Bayou includes up to 257 trees within the TxDOT right of way, according to the presentation.
By the numbers
In March, the PEDC board approved landscape architecture services with TBG Partners to develop a concept plan as the first phase of long-term streetscape improvements. The plan was presented at the PEDC board’s July meeting for initial input and review, and a final draft was presented to the board in September.
PEDC Director Matt Buchannan estimated the costs for the landscape updates on Broadway between Hwy. 288 and Old Chocolate Bayou Road would fall between $3 million and $6 million.
Next steps
While PEDC officials are focused on landscaping for the segment of Broadway from Hwy. 288 to Old Chocolate Bayou Road, they will carry the concept plan toward the eastern side of Broadway to McLean Road as funding becomes available.