Ongoing Projects
FM 2351 resurfacing project
The Texas Department of Transportation will work on FM 2351 from Friendswood Drive to the Brazoria County line near Corporal Steven Schulz Sports Park. The project, which is routine road maintenance, will mill the existing pavement and overlay new asphalt, providing a smoother road and extending the roadway’s life. Angel Brothers was awarded the contract.
Estimated timeline: March-August Cost: $890,750 Funding sources: TxDOT
1. Brazoria County Expressway Brazoria County approved a $97.2 million contract to Pulice Construction Inc. in April for the construction of toll lanes on Hwy. 288. The project will install four toll lanes—two lanes in each direction—in the grassy median of the highway. The project will extend from CR 58 to Clear Creek. The FM 518 intersection will be reconstructed with additional turn lanes from the access ramps. Additionally, FM 518 from Business Center Drive to Smith Ranch Road will be widened and the mainlane bridges of Hwy. 288 will be reconstructed, too.
Estimated timeline: June 2017-July 2019 Cost: $97.2 million Funding sources: Brazoria County, TxDOT
2. Orange Street reconstruction Contractors for the city of Pearland began reconstruction of Orange Street from Hwy. 35 to Schleider Drive. The project will widen the existing roadway from 25 to 33 feet and includes new concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and improved drainage.
Estimated timeline: June 2017-August 2018 Cost: $5.4 million Funding sources: city of Pearland
Upcoming Projects
3. Old Alvin Road widening The city of Pearland is slated to receive contractor bids for widening and drainage improvements on Old Alvin Road from Plum Street to McHard Road. Old Alvin will be widened from a two-lane road to a four-lane undivided curb-and-gutter thoroughfare with underground drainage and sidewalks. The project is part of the city’s multiphase plan to address aging infrastructure along the intersections of Linwood Street, Orange Street and Old Alvin Road.
Estimated timeline: September 2017-September 2018 Cost: $8.7 million Funding sources: city of Pearland
Recent Updates
Bay Area Boulevard reconstruction
Harris County contracted with Mar Con Services LLC to reconstruct West Bay Area Boulevard in Friendswood from FM 528 to Pilgrims Point Drive. The county completed the northbound lanes and is working on the southbound side. The improvements include a new roadway, sidewalks and storm sewers for improved drainage.
Estimated timeline: January-July Cost: $2.8 million Funding sources: Harris County
How it works
What happens when a TxDOT roadway enters a city’s boundaries?
When a city incorporates, that government becomes responsible for all roadways within its city limits, including any state numbered streets. Cities then must create a municipal maintenance agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to determine the responsibilities of the city and the state for those roadways.
These agreements give cities “exclusive domain, control and jurisdiction over the public streets within its corporate limits,” according to TxDOT. The state agency also can indicate which roadways it will continue maintaining.
To create a municipal maintenance agreement, a city meets with TxDOT to discuss maps, lists of area roadways and maintenance requests on those roadways. A city will then approve a resolution to enter into an agreement with TxDOT.
Both the city and TxDOT will review and approve their responsibilities to execute the agreement.