Autumn Lakes, located along Grissom Road near Bay Area Boulevard, is close to Clear Creek, Challenger 7 Memorial Park, and major thoroughways with businesses and restaurants.

Median home value: $506,500

Homes on the market*: 1

Homes under contract: 1

Median annual property taxes: $8,243

Median price per square foot: $143.24

Average days on the market*: 32

*As of April 14

Build-out year: 2018

Square footage range: 2,400-4,000

Home value range: $430K-$569K

HOA dues (estimated): $350 annually

Schools: Landolt Elementary School, Brookside Intermediate School, Clear Springs High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Clear Creek ISD: 1.1146

Harris County: 0.34373

League City: 0.41553

Port of Houston Authority: 0.00799

Harris County Flood Control District: 0.03055

Harris County Hospital District: 0.14831

Harris County Dept. of Education: 0.0049

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.06561

The number of homes sold in March decreased in all Pearland- and Friendswood-area ZIP codes compared to March 2022 except 77578, which saw a slight increase.

The median price of homes sold increased in each ZIP code except 77584.