Median home value: $322,500
Homes on the market*: 0
Homes under contract*: 1
Median annual property taxes: $5,519
Median price per square foot: $153.16
Average days on the market*: 14
*As of Feb. 1
Build-out year: 2002
Square footage: 1,500-2,700
Home value: $275,000-$350,000
HOA dues (estimated): $389 annually
Schools: Challenger Elementary School, Berry Miller Junior High School, Glenda Dawson High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
City of Pearland: 0.62377
Brazoria County: 0.29111
Pearland ISD: 1.3027
Brazoria County Drainage District No. 4: 0.138
Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 19: 0.27
Brazoria County road and bridge: 0.05
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.6756
The number of homes sold decreased in four of five local ZIP codes in January versus January 2022.
Meanwhile, the median price of homes sold increased in four of five ZIP codes in the same time.