Median home value: $336,500
Homes on the market: 3*
Homes under contract: 0*
Median annual property taxes: $6,568
Median price per square foot: $138.86
Average days on the market: 13*
Median build-out year: 1993
Square footage: 1,700-3,000
Home values: $265,000-$380,000
HOA dues (estimated): $100 annually
Schools: Magnolia Elementary School, Jamison Middle School, Pearland High School
*As of Aug. 12
Property taxes (in dollars)
Pearland 0.70142
Brazoria County Drainage District No. 4 0.152
Brazoria County 0.33653
Brazoria County road & bridge 0.05
Pearland ISD 1.3152
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.55515