Along Old Alvin Road and not far from McHard Road and Pearland Parkway, Highland Crossing in Pearland is close to parks, restaurants, retail shops and other attractions.

Median home value: $485,000

Homes on the market: 0*

Homes under contract: 2*

Median annual property taxes: $11,543

Median price per square foot: $175.72

Average days on the market: 2*

Median build-out year: 2016

Square footage: 1,800-4,000

HOA dues (estimated): $650 annually

Schools: Barbara Cockrell Elementary, Sablatura Middle School, Pearland High School

*As of July 14
Property taxes (in dollars)

Pearland 0.70142

Brazoria County Drainage District No. 4 0.152

Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 28 0.82

Brazoria County road & bridge 0.05

Pearland ISD 1.3152

Total (per $100 valuation): 3.37515