Median home value: $771,500
Homes on the market: 0*
Homes under contract: 0*
Median annual property taxes: $12,029
Median price per square foot: $193.92
Average days on the market: 49*
Build-out year: 2009
Square footage: 3,000-6,000
HOA dues (estimated): $647 annually
Schools: Cline Elementary School, Friendswood Junior High School, Friendswood High School
*As of April 1
Property taxes (in dollars)
Galveston County 0.41494
Friendswood 0.48731
Friendswood ISD 1.2394
Galveston County road/flood 0.00956
Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District 0.132
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.28321