This Friendswood neighborhood has 112 single-family properties, all of which are close to schools and amenities, such as retail centers and entertainment venues.

Median home value: $397,000

Homes on the market: 0*

Homes under contract: 5

Median annual property taxes: $7,507

Median price per square foot: $160.45

Average days on the market: 5*

Build-out year: 1974

Square footage: 2,000-3,000

HOA dues (estimated): $255 annually

Schools: Westwood Elementary School, Friendswood Junior High School and Friendswood High School

*As of July 1
Property taxes (in dollars)

Galveston County 0.4651

Friendswood 0.4873

Friendswood ISD 1.2594

Galveston County Road & Flood 0.0107

Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District 0.1131

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.3356
Year-over-year market data: July

The number of homes sold in Friendswood in June increased compared to June 2020, but the number of homes in Pearland decreased in the same months. Meanwhile, the median price of homes sold increased in all ZIP codes.