Median home value: $334,000
Homes on the market: 0*
Homes under contract: 2
Median annual property taxes: $6,381
Median price per square foot: $118.31
Average days on the market: 75*
Build-out year: 1977
Median square footage: 1,800-3,100
HOA dues (estimated): $250 annually
Schools: Westwood Elementary School, Friendswood Junior High School, Friendswood High School
*As of April 1
Property taxes (in dollars)
Galveston County: 0.46513
Friendswood: 0.48731
Friendswood ISD: 1.2594
County road/flood: 0.01077
Galveston County drainage: 0.1131
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.33571
Year-over-year market data: March
More homes were sold in March in all local ZIP codes except 77546 and 77578 compared to March 2020. The median price of homes sold increased in all local ZIP codes except 77546.