This month's residential real estate data compares data from February 2019 and February 2020 for five local ZIP codes: 77089, 77546, 77578, 77581 and 77584. The data also takes a look at the Autumn Creek neighborhood, located in Friendswood in ZIP code 77546.

Number of new listings

The number of new listings has remained relatively the same year-over-year. 77546 and 77581 also saw a decrease in the number of new listings, while 77089, 77578 and 77584 saw increases.

Southwyck, 77584

The Autumn Creek neighborhood is near Bay Area Boulevard and Parkwood Drive in Friendswood. The neighborhood has a median buildout year of 2001.

The median square footage of homes in the neighborhood is 3,306. Home values range from $225,000 to $508,000 and homeowners association dues are roughly $575 annually. The neighborhood is zoned to Clear Creek ISD, and property taxes are roughly $2.57 per $100 valuation.