The featured neighborhood for December is Westwood Village, located in Pearland. The median price per square foot in the neighborhood has grown over the last 20 years, and was $103.28 in 2018. The number of homes sold in the neighborhood has decreased over the years; in 1997, 21 homes were sold in the neighborhood, while only 12 homes were sold in 2018.
Westwood Village features moderately priced mid-size homes. It is located near Broadway Street and Hwy. 35. The neighborhood is zoned to Magnolia Elementary School, Sam Jamison Middle School, Pearland Junior High South and Pearland High School, all within Pearland ISD. Here is some information about the neighborhood, including information on local taxing entities:
- Build-out year: 1992
- Builders include: various
- HOA dues (estimated): $100
- Median home value: $269,750
- Median annual property taxes: $7,729
- Median price per square foot: $120
- Average days on the market: 57
Tax info:
City of Pearland: 0.741212
Brazoria County Drainage District 4: 0.146000
Brazoria County: 0.367900
Brazoria County Road and Bridge: 0.060000
Pearland ISD: 1.395600
Total: 2.710712
Source: Houston Association of Realtors/Community Impact Newspaper