A piece of land totaling nearly 8 acres near Pearland ISD Stadium was rezoned from heavy industrial to general commercial.

The gist

Pearland City Council at its Feb. 10 meeting approved rezoning the land, which is undeveloped and located at the northwest corner of Main Street and Bailey Road.

The land will now be for general commercial use, having been previously zoned as heavy industrial.

Diving in deeper

The zoning change would allow a “wide variety” of businesses to be built on that plot of land, according to background material from the city. In contrast, the former zoning of heavy industrial only allows for buildings that will be used for manufacturing, assembly, processing, storage and distribution.

The land is surrounded by general commercial-zoned properties to the south and east and heavy industrial-zoned properties to the north and west.

One more thing

The motion to rezone the land was approved in a 5-1 vote, with council member Rushi Patel casting the dissenting vote. Patel did not give a reason for his vote at the meeting.

No council members gave further comment on the item.