Here are the most important government stories from Pearland, Friendswood and Manvel to keep an eye on in 2025 that Community Impact reported on in 2024.

Manvel discusses upcoming road projects for 2025

Manvel is almost done converting several streets in town from gravel to asphalt and will continue work on a number of roads throughout the city going into 2025, according to documents from the city.

At its Nov. 18 meeting, Manvel staff gave an update on the city’s road improvement plan going into the new year. The root of the discussion centered around Phase 3 of the city’s 2025 series of road improvements, which should come in the latter half of the year, according to city documents.

City staff discussed what Phase 3 of the 2025 projects could look like, which will likely consist of sidewalks and signals.

After the first two phases, the city has roughly $6 million left over to use on Phase 3, City Manager Dan Johnson said.

Director of Public Works Robbie Hall gave a list of some places he’d like to see prioritized, some of which include connecting sidewalks around schools in Manvel.

As part of that, Johnson and Hall said they’d like to see about working with Alvin ISD to help with projects near schools.

The work on this portion of projects likely won’t begin until the late summer, according to a timeline from the city. A plan for City Council to consider could come in January or February, Hall said.

Pearland tackling streets eroded by drought

As Pearland has grown in recent decades, city officials have had to deal with a larger city street network, which has increased by 70% since 2006.

This growth has prompted city staff to think critically about how to preserve Pearland’s streets.

Despite Pearland’s total road miles growing by 141 miles since 2014, the city’s small streets division has a staff of nine, according to city documents.

The team has only enough manpower to conduct minor repairs such as filling potholes, Lorenzo Wingate, director of engineering and public works for Pearland said. To help, the city approved five new positions in September. The additional staff will start in April and cost the city $267,193, according to the FY 2024-25 budget.

By hiring five additional people, the city hopes to provide more thorough repairs such as crack sealing and preventive maintenance. Otherwise, the city could be on the hook to replace entire roads, coming at a higher cost to taxpayers, according to city documents.

Pearland adopts plan giving guidance on undeveloped land within city

After months of discussion, Pearland has a new plan to advise the use of undeveloped land within the city limits.

Pearland City Council voted unanimously Sept. 9 to adopt an amended version of the Pearland 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which gives guidance on land use, development and the city's future appearance.

“A comprehensive plan for a city guides the future land use ... and is the overarching plan for our future,” City Manager Trent Epperson said.

The plan offers a thorough and overarching guide for what Pearland will look like, including where neighborhoods, retail, parks and all the essential city places will be located.

Updates on 7 projects going on in Friendswood

Friendswood City Council received an update on a number of transportation and development projects taking place throughout the city.

The following projects were presented as part of an update given at City Council’s Dec. 2 meeting, including Blackhawk Boulevard, rehabilitation of tanks across the city and the Friendswood Master Trail Plan.

Additionally, Friendswood city staff are planning to present a few key contracts in January for approval, according to city documents. Those include:
  • A master drainage plan
  • Implementation services for a ground storage tank at groundwater plant No. 4
  • Implementation services for The Annalea Neighborhood Infrastructure Project, which officials said will include road work and storm sewer upgrades
  • Construction contract for utility relocation at Clear Creek Utility Bridge