What readers need to know
The following projects were presented as part of an update given at City Council’s Dec. 2 meeting:
Blackhawk Boulevard Phase II
- Project: Stretching from Pennystone Way to FM 2351, as well as Thursa Lane to FM 528, this project calls on the contractor to complete west and east halves of the road.
- Update: The contractor has experienced "significant" cash flow issues and exceeded the project’s timeline, according to city documents. As a result, work on the east half will be put into the next part of the phase, which is currently in the permitting process with the Texas Department of Transportation.
- Timeline: Officials said the package for the second part of Phase II will be ready to go out for bid in 2025.
- Cost: $9.6 million
- Funding source: Street improvement sales tax, water and sewer working capital, and a partnership with Harris County Precinct 2. Friendswood will take on 50% of total cost.
- Project: This involves installing a 24-inch water transmission line from Blackhawk Boulevard to FM 518
- Update: A contract for the project was approved at Friendswood City Council’s Dec. 2 meeting
- Timeline: Officials said the timeline was to be determined following the approval of the contract.
- Cost: $4.98 million
- Funding source: Funds come from water and sewer bonds, and funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.
- Project: Construction of a new ground storage tank to enhance water storage capacity at Blackhawk Boulevard near FM 528
- Update: A contract for the project was awarded at City Council’s Dec. 2 meeting.
- Timeline: Officials said the timeline is to be determined following the approval of the contract but will likely take about a year to build out.
- Cost: $5.02 million
- Funding source: Funds come from water and sewer bonds, and funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.
- Project: Rehabilitation of tanks across the city
- Update: Work is ongoing on the last tank at surface water plant No. 1, which includes structural repairs and repainting.
- Timeline: Officials expect work to wrap up in the first quarter of 2025.
- Cost: $1.9 million
- Funding source: Water and sewer bonds
- Project: A new master plan for the city’s wastewater infrastructure that will include a wastewater model, updated flow monitoring, a lift station consolidation assessment and a capital improvement plan for wastewater.
- Update: Officials awarded the project for the plan in October.
- Timeline: City staff will present findings to City Council once the project is completed, which should take about a year.
- Cost: $698,000
- Funding source: Water and sewer bonds
- Project: From the Houston-Galveston Area Council, the project will include looking at existing conditions of the city’s trails and include recommendations for future strategies.
- Update: Officials said there will be an update to the city’s parks master plan soon but did not specify when. This trail plan will build on that plan.
- Timeline: Public meeting dates and a kickoff meeting are still pending
- Cost: Part of $500,000
- Funding source: H-GAC is funding the entire plan.
- Project: A study of roads and corridors in Friendswood, which will take into account available right-of-way and ongoing development.
- Update: A kickoff meeting has been held and the first stakeholder meeting is scheduled.
- Timeline: Public meeting dates for the project are still pending.
- Cost: Part of $500,000
- Funding source: H-GAC is funding the entire plan.
A handful of projects that are funded by H-GAC are also in the works, officials said. TxDOT has begun engineering work on projects at the following intersections:
- Additional lanes at FM 528 and Bay Area Boulevard
- A new northbound right-turn lane at FM 528 and Winding Way Drive
- Dual left-turn lanes along FM 528 at FM 518
- Restriping and reprogramming traffic signals to add a second left-turn lane to southbound Sunset Drive at FM 528
Stay tuned
Friendswood city staff are planning to present a few key contracts in January for approval, according to city documents. Those include:
- A master drainage plan
- Implementation services for a ground storage tank at groundwater plant No. 4
- Implementation services for The Annalea Neighborhood Infrastructure Project, which officials said will include road work and storm sewer upgrades
- Construction contract for utility relocation at Clear Creek Utility Bridge