Results from the election held May 4 show Friendswood voters overwhelmingly support reauthorizing 0.375% of street maintenance local sales and use tax to repair existing streets and sidewalks for another four years.

The gist

At the May 6 Friendswood City Council meeting, City Manager Morad Kabiri thanked Friendswood voters for supporting Proposition A in the May 4 election.

Results from Galveston County were still unofficial as of May 13, according to the county’s website.

Kabiri added the tax would bring in about $2.3 million per year in street maintenance dollars.

“We’re very appreciative to this community for supporting this,” Kabiri said. “This is dollars that are collected by sales tax not only from our residents but anybody that shops in Friendswood.”

The city maintains approximately 186 miles of municipal streets, according to the city’s website.

One more thing

The street maintenance sales and use tax would expire Nov. 3 if voters did not reauthorize the funding with Proposition A, according to the city’s website.