Leaders in the city of Pearland are looking to increase citizen trust in the local government among other goals.

Pearland City Council during its March 28 regular meeting adopted a resolution outlining numerous priorities and goals council and Mayor Kevin Cole have for the city.

“Our priorities are really our rock-bed, what we anchor our city into,” Cole said at the meeting.

Council members, Cole and City Manager Clay Pearson held a strategic visioning retreat Feb. 19 to outline their vision for Pearland’s future. Cole said council members and city leaders will use the strategic priorities as a guide when working on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

In order of priority, the city of Pearland ranked improving government trust as its No. 1 priority. According to agenda documents, City Council plans to do so by providing transparent, high-quality and accessible city services and engaging with the community.

The other five goals for council , in order of priority, are to establish a strong economy at No. 2; build a safe community at No. 3; create sustainable infrastructure at No. 4; maintain responsible financial management at No. 5; and build a diverse and unified community at No. 6.

The city aims to meet those goals by focusing on numerous initiatives, including innovating and investing in public safety resources; supporting small businesses; increasing the investment in drainage infrastructure; and anchoring a regional amenity to the city, according to agenda documents.

“We are trying to set up a city we can be proud of not only today but certainly a city we can be proud of in five years, 10 years and beyond for all of our residents,” Cole said