Assistive listening devices will now be available during meetings in the Friendswood City Hall Council Chambers, located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive.

The city has installed new speakers and an additional amplifier in the Council Chambers in order to increase volume levels for those sitting in the back rows as well as improve sound quality for meeting recordings, according to a press release sent out by the city. With these improvements, Friendswood has enabled the use of two types of assistive listening devices: headset units and neck loops, according to a press release.

“Although we’ve never had anyone ask for hearing-impaired accommodations at a Friendswood public meeting, the availability of these new devices will expand the city’s ability to instantly fulfill any future requests,” Mayor Mike Foreman said in a press release. “I hope that people who need these devices will not be hesitant about asking for and using them.”

The headset units are worn over the ear and function as wireless, over-the-ear speakers, while the neck loops are for those with hearing aids or cochlear implants. When worn, the Council Chamber sound system can be sent directly to an individual’s device, according to the release.

Assistive devices are available upon request at all City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings.