Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Daniel Stuckey
former AP teacher and coach (Dawson High), executive board member on Pearland ISD Education Foundation
director of sales and marketing
Candidate Website:
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What are your priorities, if elected?
Based on my educational background, and experience in the classroom, I would like to collaborate with board members and superintendent on enhancing teacher recruitment/retention; evaluating and enhancing safety/security; including mental health needs; maintaining district academic strengths and enhancing [career and technical education] offerings.
What changes, if any, would you like to see with the district’s budget?
The following budget items could be reviewed to determine if the changes best serve our district: Explore further increases in teacher wages and benefits; evaluate social work services for additional resources; assess special education resources for teachers and students; understand how new/undecided legislative action impacts current budget projections.
What programming, if any, would you like to see changed, adjusted and/or added?
Based on my experience as an educator and business leader, I propose expansion of CTE programs to include career pathways like plumbing and electrical; partner with local businesses/organizations for career opportunities; add technology classes/curriculum to prepare students for real-world systems; introduce financial literacy as a stand-alone class.
What do you think the state should do to support education?
After discussing with our lawmakers: Fully fund public education; increase funding/support for growing special education needs; fund unfunded mandates: online [State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness] testing (with no technology funds), full-day pre-K with only half-day funding and requirements for officers at every campus with insufficient funding to cover costs.

Azania Salazar
special education paraprofessional, PISD substitute teacher, CJ Harris Elementary PTO, Pearland Junior High East PTA
Barbara Cockrell Elementary special education paraprofessional
Candidate Website:
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What are your priorities, if elected?
My priorities are advocating for students, supporting teachers and increased funding for special education. I will work to ensure our teachers receive competitive pay and our special education programs are fully funded and effective. Together we can build a stronger Pearland ISD.
What changes, if any, would you like to see with the district’s budget?
Increasing funds for special education. Special education enrollment in PISD has increased almost 47% from 2014 to 2024, yet funding is not matched to meet all our student's needs. Allocating better pay for support staff and creating more positions for support within the classrooms to aid teachers and students success.
What programming, if any, would you like to see changed, adjusted and/or added?
I want to expand special education to include parent literacy, ensuring families understand the [admission, review and dismissal] process. As a parent who has navigated it for eight years, I know the challenges firsthand. Additionally, I’d love to see the social connections program grow to support more students across the district.
What do you think the state should do to support education?
I strongly believe the state should fully fund public education. Investing in our students' education is an investment in Pearland’s future. Strong schools build strong communities.