Election day is May 7, and early voting will be held from April 25-May 3. Candidate responses may have been edited for length, style and clarity.
There is no incumbent running for Pearland City Council Position 6.

Jeff Barry
I have worked with various organizations in [Pearland] the last 14 years, and I have had my own insurance business for 17 years. Through these roles I had the opportunity to work with many people in Pearland, of which many are currently on City Council. The relationships give me the unique ability to immediately work with current council members and city staff from the beginning of my term if I were to be elected.
Barry Insurance Group president, Pearland ISD board of trustees
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Why are you choosing to run for Pearland City Council?
I want to continue to be part of why people move their families to Pearland. Throughout my 20 years living in Pearland, I have held many roles, most of which have been education related, but that is only part of the story. I believe that families and businesses move to Pearland because of safety and schools. For the last 14 years, I have been part of the school side of the equation, where we have consistently shown test scores and financial accountability results well above the state average, but now I look forward to making sure the safety and security of our city continues to strengthen.
If you are elected, what would be your top priorities?
Drainage, mobility, business-friendly environment, strengthening our police department and fire department, and revenue accountability.
What do you feel is the biggest issue facing the city of Pearland?
I believe that all of my priorities are equally important and can be addressed simultaneously.
Anything else you want potential constituents to know?
I am excited to announce my candidacy for Pearland City Council Position 6, and I look forward to working with all of the citizens in the city of Pearland to move the city forward. I would appreciate your vote on May 7, and please review my priorities or volunteer at www.votejeffbarry.com.

Orlando Bruzual
I can bring to the table not only my degrees and my experience, but I can also bring my hard work. My experience as a teacher has given me the knowledge and ability to respectfully listen to different opinions, especially in this area, where there is a lot of diversity and a multicultural population.
College professor: Texas government, American government and Spanish
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Why are you choosing to run for Pearland City Council?
I moved to Pearland about 10 years ago. I have seen the growth, and I see how prosperous this city is. I decided to run for City Council because I believe that there is a lack of transparency from the local government with the community. There are current issues being discussed, budget expenses, water bill, etc. that are not taking into consideration what the people of Pearland want and what is best for the city.
If you are elected, what would be your top priorities?
I will support our security forces and first responders and will not defund the police. I will protect family and diversity by supporting all kinds of programs for mothers and children. I will help create a program for special children in our community. Third, before building big projects, the city needs to fix sidewalks and maintenance. The fourth is to protect our animals from cruelty, ensuring they are not sacrificed due to lack of space.
What do you feel is the biggest issue facing the city of Pearland?
There are a few areas where Pearland leadership needs to focus. Instead of focusing on the fiscal budget, they should redirect their attention on the issues Pearland is currently facing and needs solutions. Figure out a reasonable resolution for the water bill issue, reorganize the budget to focus on current necessities, promote incentives for businesses, lower house taxes, incorporate a pay freeze, focus on finishing the current projects before planning or starting on future projects.
Anything else you want potential constituents to know?
I am a conservative American-Venezuelan citizen who decided to run for City Council Position 6. Pearland is a wonderful city. It has experienced big changes, and we need ideas to solve future problems as it grows. With arrivals of new families, maintaining the safety of our neighborhoods, preserving infrastructures and supporting economic growth is important. I want to serve all who want their voices heard and pay back what this country has done for my family and I.