Election day is May 7, and early voting will be held from April 25-May 3. Candidate responses may have been edited for length and clarity.
There is no incumbent running for Pearland City Council Position 5.

Tiffany Fairdosi
I received a chemistry degree from Texas Tech University and a Master of Science degree in speech-language pathology from TTU Health Sciences Center. As a clinician, my career focuses on helping and taking care of others. I served as president and treasurer for a service-based organization funding and creating learning centers for underserved areas. Serving others has never been for recognition or show but a way of being.
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Why are you choosing to run for Pearland City Council?
My visions are for the future. Pearland will continue to exist beyond my time and the families of everyone will be there with mine. They should all feel safe and comfortable knowing the people of our city have someone who represents them regardless of their background.
If you are elected, what would be your top priorities?
Youth programs to ensure children have enrichment programs and life skills classes to transition into adulthood and society. They are our future: our future council members. Elderly programs to promote aging in place and having resources for caregivers. Apparently there is no guidebook to getting old, but the consensus has been it is hard [and] community engagement.
What do you feel is the biggest issue facing the city of Pearland?
Besides the water billing? East and west sides of Pearland do not agree on which is better. The east side has great things on their side that the west does not have, and the same can be said about the west having great things the east does not have. I want to make it more even, less divisive and more inclusive.
Anything else you want potential constituents to know?
Visit my website to know more about me. I am as sarcastic as they come, but I love my job. I love family, and I love my community. I have read if there is not enough room at the table, pull up another one and stand on it with a megaphone. I like that.

Layni Cade
I was appointed to the Pearland Parks and Beautification Board in February 2016. After serving for two years, I was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission in February 2018. I served as a commissioner for four years with one as madame chair. I have an active role in my neighborhood. I am the social media director; I have been instrumental in organizing events for the entire neighborhood and am the National Night Out representative.
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Why are you choosing to run for Pearland City Council?
I have a passion to serve Pearland and I want it to stay a wonderful place to live. I also believe it is time for council to be as diverse as our city. My qualifications and perspectives as a teacher, longtime public servant and even mother provide me with skills and insights that are not represented on council at this time and that I believe will be useful in communicating with and serving the public.
If you are elected, what would be your top priorities?
Public safety is always priority No. 1. I am opposed to wasteful spending; we are also missing opportunities for tax revenue. I want to focus on both so new fees and taxes are not added to our residents. I support smart, quality sustainable planning and development and revitalization of aging parts of the city and infrastructure. I want dependable water billing and water quality. I believe that government should be transparent.
What do you feel is the biggest issue facing the city of Pearland?
The economy and debt-missed opportunities for revenue in Pearland, ongoing water bill issue, overspending and putting the onus on the residents.
Anything else you want potential constituents to know?
I serve the community in many capacities. I have been a teacher for 23 years. I am the candidate in my race with experience serving our city. I have been working for over six years to prepare myself for the role of a council member so I can properly, deservedly, fittingly serve the residents of Pearland.

Rishabh Jain
As a small-business owner, I understand the daily struggles of labor, supply chain and city regulations that impact our businesses. Being a resident in Pearland for over 10 years as well as a homeowner and active Pearland Construction Board member, I am well in-tune with the issues that Pearland faces. As a fiscally conservative and locally involved citizen, I believe my extensive business and resident experiences make me a natural fit for the role.
Commercial construction/real estate
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Why are you choosing to run for Pearland City Council?
I have always enjoyed giving back to the community and have been getting more involved in city politics. I have been a witness to what actions are necessary to keep a business and city moving forward, and that includes having professionals on Pearland City Council who have experience managing finance and interfacing with many different organizations. I want to make council a more approachable and accountable organization that truly hears the voices of Pearland and acts on it.
If you are elected, what would be your top priorities?
My top priorities are simple: lowering taxes while increasing sales tax revenue by bringing more business into Pearland thus promoting spending in the city, keeping our neighborhoods safe by improving lighting and supporting our police force, and expanding opportunities with increased transparency and accountability for businesses and residents alike. I believe these to be key factors in making Pearland an attractive, self-sufficient and safe place to live for both my family and yours.
What do you feel is the biggest issue facing Pearland City Council?
The issues that will impact citizens directly in the short term are how the council will decide to fund the drainage infrastructure, whether the 51% rule be overturned, how to make the water bill accurate and affordable again, the new proposition to implement public transit with bike lanes, and will council vote to change the 100-acre industrial land near Pearland High School to become residential.
Anything else you want potential voters to know?
I am excited for this opportunity to be able to bring strong, decisive and conservative leadership to our community. Having been raised in Pearland, I hope to work on creating a safer, resilient Pearland for my family to grow in. It is time for someone who knows how to operate an excavator to sit on City Council and knows how to build and develop our land such that it serves the generations to come.

Zach Boyer
I am a native Pearland resident who strongly supports keeping Pearland the place to raise your family. I have successfully proposed and overseen million-dollar budgets to government, developers and local entities for my work. I have worked with implementing drainage infrastructure for communities. I also serve as the Pearland Parks Board vice chair, where we have fought for more trails and parks in our community. I bring energy and dedication to represent all of the Pearland residents.
Field biologist
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Why are you choosing to run for Pearland City Council?
I am running for Pearland City Council because the city needs a new face, a new perspective and a revitalized vision. Pearland deserves a City Council member who will fight for all of us to stop the political rhetoric and bring back true Pearland pillars. Faith led, family values and community driven.
If you are elected, what would be your top priorities?
I will fight to lower our tax burden by fighting for lower rates and increasing our homestead tax exemption from 2.5%. Houston has become the No. 1 spot for human and drug trafficking. I will ensure that police officers are trained and equipped to stop its flow into Pearland. Lastly, our local governments need to work together to improve infrastructure by implementing roads with reflectors, lights, drainage and proper road maintenance.
What do you feel is the biggest issue facing Pearland City Council?
The most significant issues in Pearland right now are taxes, safety and infrastructure. Please see my last response on how to solve the increasing burden on our neighbors by taxes in the question above. We must prioritize a safe community by continuing investments in our first responders. The second is maintaining public infrastructure, including our roadways, sidewalks and water systems. These have been a top priority for years, and there is definitely room for improvement.
Anything else you want potential voters to know?
In addition to running for Pearland City Council, I am a member of several community organizations and boards. These boards stretch from economic development to mentoring and raising scholarships for kids to the conservation of the environment and wildlife. I am also finishing up my economics degree from the University of Houston. Additionally, I have great relationships with our local, county, state and federal officials and would work tirelessly to best represent our neighbors.