Two instructional calendar drafts for the 2025-26 school year for Friendswood ISD are now available for review and comment by community members.

The overview

The first option, known as Draft A, includes the following notable dates:
  • Aug. 12: First day of school
  • Oct. 15-20: Fall break
    • Oct. 15: Elementary parent conferences
    • Oct. 16-17: District closed
    • Oct. 20: Teacher planning day
  • Oct. 31: Student holiday
  • Dec. 19-Jan. 6: Winter break
  • Feb. 13-16: President’s Day and student holiday
  • March 9-13: Spring break
  • April 3-6: Good Friday and student holiday
    • April 6: Half teacher planning day, and half day of service
  • May 21: Last day of school
Draft B is similar with the following modifications:
  • Oct. 20: Still fall break for students, but a professional learning day for staff
  • Oct. 31: Regular school day
  • April 6: Still student holiday, but a half teacher planning day along with a day of service
  • April 24: Professional learning day
How we got here

Draft A is the current instructional calendar, but shifted to apply to 2025-26 dates, Stacey Guzzetta, FISD’s Executive Director of Student Operations said at the district’s board of trustees’ Dec. 9 meeting.

FISD officials curated the second draft, or Draft B, after meeting with neighboring districts to align spring break with one another, as well as local community colleges, including San Jacinto College and College of the Mainlands, Guzzetta said at the meeting.

Draft B was then taken for review and discussion to the District Advisory Committee and the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee in early December, district documents note.

Stay tuned

The drafts could be viewed on FISD’s website.

Guzzetta said Draft B will most likely be the recommended draft that is presented at the board’s Jan. 13 meeting for consideration.