Seven new personnel positions are now open at Pearland ISD after the board of trustees approved the positions at its Aug. 20 meeting.

The new positions stem from growth in various parts of the district, according to PISD documents.

The overview

According to district documents, the requests from PISD administration for new positions come from an increase in students in the following programs:
  • Dual-language kindergarteners at Carleston Elementary School
  • Special education bus riders
  • Special education enrollment in the Pearland’s Essential and Academic Readiness Skills, or PEARS; and Behavior Support and Intervention, or BSI, programs
“In August every year we do the enrollment projections and we hope we know what students are enrolling and we staff accordingly based on those projections, but you never know who’s going to show up and what needs those students have,” PISD Superintendent Larry Berger said at the meeting.

Diving in deeper

Enrollment for dual-language kindergarteners at Carleston Elementary School has increased and now exceeds the district’s target ratio of 22 students per teacher, according to district documents.

To fix this, one of the positions opened was one dual-language classroom aide for Carleston Elementary’s dual-language kindergarten students.

The following other positions are now open to offset growth in various parts of the district:
  • 2 special programs bus monitors
  • 2 BSI aides
  • 2 PEARS aides
What else?

Although the total cost for these additional positions will be over $194,000, the district will save $84,000 on a current fleet of supervisor positions that officials said were no longer needed, Berger said at the meeting.
The new total, which will be paid through general funds, is about $110,000, according to district documents.