In its last meeting as a group on May 6, Alvin ISD’s Citizens Advisory Committee decided to recommend a bond of a little less than $380.1 million to the AISD board of trustees at its June 11 board meeting.

However, a survey presented at the meeting shows residents in the district might not be supportive of the measure.

The gist

In a recent survey conducted by national research organization Baselice & Associates, 300 respondents were sought out—with 150 being AISD parents and 150 being non-AISD parents—to get opinions on the potential bond over the course of two days on April 30 and May 1.

The survey covered information about the bond, whether the participants had a positive or negative impression of the district, why participants would vote against the bond and if the participants had knowledge about property taxes, according to a survey overview presentation by Baselice & Associates.

The survey also had an initial poll to reflect the amount of support the bond would have, and the same poll was administered at the end of the survey after participants were more informed about it. Results showed residents were more likely to support the bond if they had more information on it.

When asked what their biggest hangup about the bond might be, 69% of residents said property taxes going up.

Zooming in

Officials believe the bond will help manage the growth within the district, according to district officials.

There are just under 30,000 students enrolled in AISD, according to a Feb. 5 news release from the district. By 2028, AISD is projected to enroll more than 33,000 students and just under 37,000 by 2033.

If approved by the district in its current form, the bond would total to a little less than $395.1 million, but $15 million will be taken off from savings from the 2018 bond, leaving the total to about $380.1 million, according to district officials.

The bond being proposed would include the following:
  • Two new elementary schools, projected to open in 2025 and 2027; and a replacement elementary school for Disney Elementary and Stevenson Primary in 2026
  • One new junior high campus, which could open in 2027
  • Renovations and additions to Manvel High School and Alvin High School
  • A land and security package

With the bond proposal set to about $380.1 million, the tax rate will have be a two-cent decrease in fiscal year 2024-25 and a two-cent decrease in FY 2025-26, along with a decrease of $40 per year to a home valued at $200,000, according to the May 6 CAC presentation.

Estimations provided by the committee did not factor in what the change in taxes might be if the $200,000 home were to increase in value.

Stay tuned

While the proposed bond will be presented on June 11, Associate Superintendent Daniel Combs said at the May 6 meeting the board may need more time to decide whether to call for an election. The board has until Aug. 19 to make this decision, Combs said.