Alvin ISD officials held a dedication ceremony for the newly renovated Harby Junior High School campus Aug. 31.

Two-minute impact

Attended by district officials, trustees, students, parents and community members, the dedication included performances from the school’s choir, ceremonial brass group, and the Harby Hawks dance team and cheerleaders, according to a release from the district.

Harby’s renovation was one of many projects in the district’s $480.5 million bond approved in November 2018.

Along with Harby, the bond included:
  • Five new schools
  • The replacement of a couple of other schools
  • New land
  • New safety measures
The ceremony on Aug. 31 included speeches from district and school officials, and a symbolic key presented to Principal Elizabeth Lawson.

What they’re saying

“Many of the community members and parents had not seen the improvements to our campus,” Lawson said at the dedication event. “The tours were a wonderful opportunity for our very own students to proudly show off our campus.”

“This dedication holds a very personal significance,” AISD Superintendent Carol Nelson said. "Having served as both the librarian and assistant principal at Harby Junior High between 2002 and 2006, this renovation brings me immense joy."