The percentage of FISD students in both junior high and high school who met grade level on the end-of-course assessments did not fall below the state average for any subject.
FISD scores remained consistent from 2021-2022 for all grades and subject tests, rising or falling no more than a few percentage points.
Grade 8 students excelled in mathematics, with 68% meeting grade level compared to 38% statewide. Social studies scores still hover at 39% meeting grade level, showing no improvement from 2021.
Friendswood High School students excelled in biology, with 86% of students meeting the benchmark, compared to the state average of 57%.
However, Algebra I scores have yet to make a full comeback from COVID-19. Prepandemic scores in 2019 saw 72% of FHS students meeting the benchmark, but only 48% met the Algebra I benchmark this year.
The assessment tests high school students on Algebra I, English I & II, Biology and U.S. History against state curriculum standards, according to STAAR’s website. All Texas public school students in grades 3-12 take the STAAR tests.
Friendswood High School students took the assessment April 31-May 7, and students in grades 3-8 were tested May 10-18.