Alvin Community College will hold a virtual tax hearing Sept. 17 to discuss the proposed tax rate for fiscal year 2020-21. The board of regents voted on a proposed a rate of $0.183443 per $100 valuation at its Aug. 13 meeting. The virtual hearing must be held before the rate can be approved.
The proposed rate is lower than the school's FY 2019-20 rate, which was $0.185862 per $100 valuation, meaning that taxpayers whose property values stayed the same will pay less in taxes to the college. Some taxpayers may pay more in taxes this year if their property values have gone up.
"We want to be fiscally mindful of our citizens, obviously, but we also want to be fiscally mindful of this institution and ensure that we have enough in that reserve to protect us as long as possible," regent Darren Shelton said at the Aug. 13 meeting. "I think that is a price, as a taxpayer, I am willing to pay to ensure that the college is fiscally healthy for the future, especially the future we are facing right now."
The board also approved its $36.7 million budget for FY 2020-21 at the Aug. 13 meeting.