The Friendswood ISD board of trustees voted to place a bond election on the May ballot during a Feb. 10 meeting.

The total bond request, which was proposed by the Citizen Advisory Committee at a January meeting, is $128 million.

“We’ve talked about this for many months and we are at the time to take a decision as a board as how we would like to move forward as a team,” Superintendent Thad Roher said before the board voted unanimously to approve the bond election.

The bond will be separated into two propositions on the ballot.

Proposition A is for $127 million, and includes renovations for Westwood Elementary School, Bales Intermediate School, Windsong Intermediate School and Friendswood High School; the construction of a new facility for Cline Elementary School; district-wide safety and security improvements; district-wide maintenance projects; and land purchases.

Proposition B is for $1 million and covers district-wide technology improvements.

“The tax rate increase has moved to 18 cents: 9 cents in the first year, 9 in the second,” Roher said. “The average taxable increase is around $50 per month.”

Friendswood citizens will be able to vote for or against the two bond propositions during the May 2 election.