The median home value in Friendswood is $263,000 and has risen since the 2013 five-year estimates, when it was $226,600, despite the fact that Hurricane Harvey took place in the past five years.
The 2018 five-year estimates include data from 2014-18; the 2013 five-year estimates include data from 2009-13.
The new data shows Friendswood’s population as 39,319, an 8.09% increase from the 2013 five-year estimate of 36,375. The demographics have changed slightly, as Friendswood is 51.6% female, according to the recently released data, while the city was 50.9% male according to the 2013 five-year estimates.
According to the recently released data, Friendswood is 89.5% white. This is similar to the 2013 five-year data, which characterized Friendswood as 90.8% white.
The median monthly housing cost in Friendswood is $1,463, which is almost the same as the 2013 five-year estimate, which was $1,472.
The median household income in Friendswood is $104,097; in the 2013 five-year estimates, the median household income was $99,365.