Brazoria County has reported high and low daily numbers of COVID-19 case counts from Aug. 28-Sept. 3, reporting as few daily confirmed cases as 25 cases on Sept. 2 to 88 cases reported Sept. 3. The reported daily case counts Aug. 28-Sept. 3 were all lower than the county's peak in July.

The county’s daily recoveries reported have remained high since the county modified its criteria for categorizing recoveries. The county reported 250 recoveries Aug. 28, 247 on Aug. 29, 111 on Aug. 31, 32 on Sept. 1, 138 on Sept. 2 and 237 on Sept. 3.

The county reported 10 COVID-19-related deaths during the week.

According to data from the SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council, roughly 20 of the county’s general hospital beds have been used by COVID-19 patients this week. As of Sept. 3, 111 of the county’s 425 operational general beds were in use; 14 of those 111 beds were being used by suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients. The county has a general bed surge of 510.

According to the data from SETRAC, the number of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients in ICU beds in the county ranged from 7 to 14. On Sept. 3, 38 of the county’s 40 operations ICU beds were in use; seven of those beds were being used by suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients. The county has an ICU bed surge of 49.

Most of the county’s COVID-19 cases are in Pearland. Pearland reported more cases daily than any other city in the county every day this past week, except Aug. 31. On Aug. 31, Angleton reported the most cases.

Most of the county’s COVID-19 cases are in the age 20-29 bracket, which reported the most cases Aug. 29. The 30-39 and 40-49 age brackets reported the most cases Aug. 28; the 30-39 age bracket also reported the most cases Aug. 30, 31 and Sept. 3. The 50-59 age bracket reported the most cases Sept. 1 and 2.