1. Hunt with Heart Washers Tournament
Hunt with Heart is hosting a washer tournament, where teams take turns tossing washers into hole. Each team has a fundraising page to support Hunt with a Heart, which helps those with life-threatening illnesses though outdoor activities. Admission includes sodas and water, while beer and food will be for purchase from Bakfish Brewing and food trucks.  6:30-9 p.m. $30. 1231 Broadway St. Pearland. 832-574-2626. www.classy.org  
  1. Concert in the Park series
The Pearland Parks and Recreation Department hosts Friday evening concerts at Southdown Park through the months of May and June. Leashed pets are welcome as well as alcohol in plastic containers only. 7-9 p.m. Free. 2150 Country Place Parkway, Pearland.  
  1. Mitch and Artha Wright Concerts in the Park series
The Friendswood Parks and Recreation Department hosts Friday evening concerts in May and June at Stevenson Park. Attendees can bring lawn chairs and refreshments. 7 p.m. 1100 S. Friendswood Drive. www.friendswood.com  
  1. ‘Best Little Whorehouse in Texas’
Based on the Larry King book, this production is inspired by the Chicken Ranch brothel that operated from 1905 to 1973 in La Grange, Texas. 8 p.m. (Fridays and Saturdays), 3 p.m. (Sundays). $15-$18. Pearl Theater, 14803 Park Almeda Drive, Pearland. pearl-theater.com  
  1. Pearland Farmers Market
After the Pearland Old Townsite Farmer’s Market dissolved in December, Pearland Town Center began hosting a market, which is held on the second Saturday of each month in the shelter of its 6,000 square-foot-pavilion. The town center also has a splash pad for children. 8 am.-noon. 11200 Broadway St., Pearland. www.pearlandtowncenter.com