Manvel residents will soon receive a citizen survey designed to gather community input on the city’s fiscal year 2023-2024 budget.

The details

Residents will receive postcards delivered to their homes with a link to the online survey between July 1 and 28.

Hardcopies of the survey will be available at:Responses must be postmarked by July 28 to be considered.

The survey is designed to gather citizens' opinions on the city's critical issues, including public safety, infrastructure, community engagement and economic development, according to a news release.

The survey has 19 questions and should only take 10 minutes to complete, Public Information Officer Brooke Cyphers said.

According to Manvel

“We are [a] really quickly growing city, and our demographics are shifting constantly. And that means that the vision for the city is constantly in flux,” Cyphers said. “So this survey really helps us narrow down the scope of the ideas that we receive and just put them into perspective.”

Cyphers acknowledged not everything city officials will ask in the survey can be accomplished in a single fiscal year but said the survey will be helpful nonetheless for gauging community interest in long-term projects.

“For those long-term projects, gauging community interest is really going to help us effectively plan for the future,” Cyphers said. “So while this is something for the 2023-2024 budget, it can build and possibly influence budgets moving forward.”