The city was awarded $2.7 million from the Texas General Land Office for the drainage projects with the funding originating from a disaster recovery grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development after Hurricane Harvey.
The projects consist of about 31,000 feet of roadside ditch widening, culvert replacements and driveway replacements for improving the drainage in an area of the city with aged infrastructure. Construction will take place primarily in the Hickory Slough Watershed alongside sections of Garden Road, O’Day Road, Woody Road and Scott Lane.
The GLO-funded projects are separate from the projects in the drainage bond coming to ballots on the May 6 election. Unlike the 14 bond projects, the Hickory Slough Watershed projects will be entirely funded by the Harvey disaster grant and will not require voter approval to commence.
The City Council held the March 6 public hearing in compliance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The public comment period lasts from March 2-17; afterward, the city will request a release of the funds from the Texas GLO. No citizen comments were provided at the public hearing.