Friendswood City Council approved the budget and tax rate for fiscal year 2019-20 on Oct. 7. The tax rate is higher than the effective tax rate but over $0.01 less than the rate proposed in September. “Thank you for finding that extra penny,” Council Member Trish Hanks said. The tax rate is $0.521439. The tax rate is less than last year’s rate, but the city could pull in more money from the rate due to growth in property values. “I could probably justify the $0.53 [tax rate]; I am glad you were able to knock off more than a penny, but I know I can’t justify going to the effective tax rate,” Council Member Robert Griffon said after going through the city’s financial reports. The council approved the tax rate and the budget 6-1, with Council Member John Scott being the dissenting vote on both items. “This city staff, this team that represent you, day in and day out, do a tremendous job of guarding your money. So don’t take my no vote as a slap in the face; I am very appreciative of what you do,” Scott said. The city’s expenditures for fiscal year 2019-20 total $79.15 million, with the largest portion of the budget spent on capital improvements.