City, county and state proposals could bring significant road improvements to Pearland and Friendswood over the next five to 10 years—if they can receive a piece of $920 million in funding available this year. The Transportation Improvement Program, managed by the Houston-Galveston Area Council, received 194 proposals totaling $2.96 billion in funding requests, as of the Oct. 31 deadline. The TIP leverages both state and federal dollars to support projects that align with the agency’s 2040 Regional Transportation Plan, said Patrick Mandapaka, assistant director of transportation for H-GAC. “We only have a certain amount of dollars, so we have to prioritize,” Mandapaka said. Those that are approved will require a 20 percent local funding match. When the TIP was last held in 2015, it doled out about $600 million. This round of TIP funding will go toward projects up to 10 years out, H-GAC Transportation Manager Adam Beckom said. To make the final cut, every application will undergo an assessment by the Technical Advisory Committee. The public will be able to weigh in as well. “Before that public comment phase, we will limit the list to those that have risen to the call,” Beckom said. The council’s Transportation Policy Committee will approve project funding around March 2019, he said.