Under a new city of Pearland ordinance, restaurants are now required to post their health inspection grades at their entrances as of July 1. About two-thirds of permitted restaurants are already receiving the highest grades. Locations earning an A, B or C will only have to show a letter grade, but those receiving a 75 or below will have to display the actual score. As of June 29, only one restaurant received a score below 75. The grades have always been publicly available, but before the ordinance, they were not posted at the restaurant. In general, the city issues the grades to give owners a chance to bring up their standards, officials said. When necessary, the city will shut down a restaurant temporarily to address pest problems or other immediate concerns. "We find that this, in addition to education, will often mitigate future problems of a similar nature. ... We have made establishments cease operations, often for several days, due to priority items which could adversely affect the public health," said Rance Rhame, a code enforcement and health officer for the city. Inspectors make random visits to each location every six months, using a standard form to check for specific requirements including food storage, proper plumbing, cleanliness of utensils and knowledge of personnel. For Stomp's Burger Joint at 12705 Broadway St., one of the locations with a perfect score, the path to a good grade is all about good routines. "You have to have a schedule," said Sheyanne Day, who manages the location. "It should go hand-in-hand with work—you work, you clean. We clean on the daily—in the morning, at night, and in afternoons after lunch. You've also got to have everyone on staff on the same page." Residents that are curious about a location's specific score can request a copy of its most recent inspection report, Rhame said.

MAP: See Pearland restaurant health inspection grades

Click the menu in the top right corner to find specific restaurants, sorted by grade. Or click a marker on the map to pull up a location's score and grade. Click the full-screen button to more easily explore the map.